Speaker und Moderator

Impulses for your event

If you are looking for a keynote presentation on New Work, Agile Leadership, Management 3.0, Communication, Digitalisation, Agilisation, Change etc. for a company event or conference, you can book me.


Are you looking for a moderator for your event? I have theoretical knowledge and practical experience as well as some stories from everyday job life. I would like to share that with you and you.

Impressions of my talks

An extract & inspiration

Evangelische Bank

Welcome Change

In August 2018 the Evangelische Bank held its Change Night. In my opening speech I combined the topics of new work, agility, change and cultural change with freedom and personal responsibility. The audience consisted of about 140 employees of the bank from all areas. In the panel discussion that followed, I answered further questions from the audience together with Daniela Gleue from Upstalsboom and Damian Beldycki from apoBank.

Cebit New Work
CeBit Take-off Monday

New Work – fiction vs. reality

In 2018, the Cebit renewed itself and started the day before the fair with Take-off Monday, a conference day all about the digital transformation. In the Bitkom InnovationsCamp I talked about what New Work actually is – and what maybe not and why New Work is such a big topic at all.

More talks

Would you like to appear on my timeline too? Then get in touch with me and together we can plan how I can support you. Whether for an internal or public event, I like to give impulses and share my knowledge and experience.

Januar 1, 2019

Smart Country Convention 2019

Bye bureaucracy, hello agility – An introduction to the agile working world

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

Smart Country Convention 2018

Bye bureaucracy, hello agility – An introduction to the agile working world

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

Upstalsboom – New Work Camp 2.0

From New Work to New Life. The Café of Questions in Berlin – Why, how and further?
The power of questions as a leadership tool.

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

Café of Questions

Various talks, among others
– Introduction 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
– Discovering values – your inner compass for our life
– Communication Wednesday

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

CoRE Exchange Dialog (Art-Invest)

Intro and impulse agile work and Scrum,
work better in a complex world, break new ground (organisational development, structures, processes)

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

Lateral thinker Hannover – Are we in a title bubble?

How seemingly well-intentioned words can become a dangerous boomerang.
The (un)sense of titles, the problems and the consequences.

Januar 1, 2019
Januar 1, 2019

Expert conference Agile Project Management (pm-institut) – What Japanese martial arts has to do with the introduction of Scrum and the ScrumButs

Introduction of agile Methods (Scrum)
Fallstricke (Scrum-Buts)

Januar 1, 2019
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