Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Stephen R. Covey

Why Humans Matter exists

golden circle

Translation will follow 😉

My vision

I firmly believe that in every single human being, by nature, the potential lies dormant to make the world a better place – even if only for one more person in his or her immediate environment. I would like to help to (re)find, uncover and explore this potential! This is my passion. That is my goal.


Who am I?

Alexander Keller Berlin Coach Trainer


Alex is trainer and coach, sparring partner and consultant for modern agile management and agile organizational development. He himself is part of Generation Y and a true digital native, studied IT with a psychology orientation. He himself has years of practical experience as a ScrumMaster, Agile Coach and Manager in start-ups and corporations and sees the need for change. So Alex has already swallowed the red pill of the matrix and now wants to help to refocus on what counts: People. Learn more about Alex…

How I work

Focus on human beings

I focus on the human being. He is the basis for every business success.
I see people as a whole, in my job and in my private life. I work together with clients at eye level. My work is practice-oriented.
I help to (re)find, uncover and explore potential. I inspire, experiment, analyse and learn.

Create win win

What I do

Focus on customers and employees

agile organization
Agile Leadership

I offer trainings and workshops to impart knowledge and make it tangible. Whether in open dates or in-house.

New Work
New Work

I give impulses on topics such as New Work, Agile Leadership, Management 3.0, communication and digitalisation.

On-site or remote? German or English?

I am also available online as a sparring partner and consultant. This creates flexibility on all sides and saves costs while maintaining the same quality.

I speak fluent German and English, have already worked in international contexts and know the opportunities and risks of such a setup. To speak the same language does not always mean to speak the same language…

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